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N.C Wreck next Summer - 11/28/2009 12:51 AM
Category: Travel
Replies: 3

I want to Rent a house in Morehead City next year in Summer. The house that I normally rent can sleep 10 people comfortably. Shared rooms. We can dive in the Morning with two of the shops in Beaufort N.C.

Anyone interested ? It would be August 1 2010
Smithsgold - 11/28/2009 1:14 PM
What might the Cost be ????
Rich-D-Fish - 11/29/2009 11:49 PM
Is this the place where you took the video last year of the wreck dive and the many many sand tiger sharks? You must share that video again. I would love to join you guys, but I’ll be just returning from my Hawaii trip.
Subscribed - 1/04/2012 8:38 PM
We are going again to NC in June of 2012 our 2011 trip was a success and this time we are doing it a little bigger and better
call me for details
where else can you dive a German U boat with sharks swimming around it? where !