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Great Whites - 7/10/2011 6:35 PM
Category: Travel
Replies: 7

Hollywood Divers leaves for San Diego to Depart Ensenada aboard the Solmar 5 on Sept 5th 2011 for the 5 day liveaboard to Guadalupe Island MexicoGuadalupe Island is located 160 miles off the coast of Baja California. Some Of The Worlds Largest Great Whites Have Been Observed and Studied Here. Price includes: Meals while on the SolmarV Round Trip Transportation from San Diego to Ensenada Weight Belts, Hookah Regulators Free Padi Shark Naturalist CertificationWe are experienced Shark Divers and have been going to Guadalupe Island since it first became the Shark Capitol of the Northern Hemisphere. 323 969 9800 Let’s go Shark Diving

Rich-D-Fish - 7/11/2011 4:28 PM
Wow. This sounds fun. I must ask my wife to send me on this trip for my birthday. How much is the trip including airfare from LA?

Adam13 - 7/11/2011 5:05 PM

Is this chumming and cage diving?


Rich-D-Fish - 7/11/2011 5:08 PM
I just saw Hookah and thought I might get laid on this trip....
Bruno - 7/12/2011 11:29 PM
Rich, you have a better chance getting eaten than laid. On this trip anyway, I don’t know about anywhere else.
Subscribed - 7/13/2011 2:11 PM
No airfare is needed. It leaves from San Diego. Drive to S.D. leave your car at the Holiday Inn secure parking and we pick you up in a air-conditioned Greyhound///type is then off to Ensenada MX walk from the bus to the boat and then you are on the boat for 5 days.
It is all cage diving...frozen hang bait is used on bio-degradable rope with tenders to pull the hang baits away when the sharks come toward the cage
LatitudeAdjustment - 7/15/2011 2:03 PM

From Rich,
 It is all cage diving...frozen hang bait is used on bio-degradable rope with tenders to pull the hang baits away when the sharks come toward the cage

 At least one GW learned that if he came up from under the boat the tender wouldn’t have time to pull the tuna steak away and with it in his mouth would come to the surface, eyeball the tender as if to say, I win!
Adam13 - 7/15/2011 7:11 PM
The shark would love tender meat.