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Dive Tables
GenoMc - 7/27/2008 9:41 AM
Category: Survey
Replies: 107

Do you still use dive tables?
Johnx15 - 9/21/2008 7:43 PM
[Choose #1] Thats all I use
deepsteel - 9/07/2008 10:35 PM
[Choose #1] plan w/ tables / comp for O2 and N loading
chgodvr - 9/05/2008 1:06 PM
[Choose #3] Occasionally, just to keep in practice.
niacentine - 9/03/2008 12:38 AM
[Choose #1] Needed for tec
CallesCafe - 9/02/2008 2:41 PM
[Choose #1] Just incase the computer is not working...
pmombourquette - 8/25/2008 5:35 PM
[Choose #2] Computer, multi level doesn’t work on tables
Indiana - 8/22/2008 7:33 PM
[Choose #1] only for pratice .computors run the world
Doppler - 8/22/2008 10:22 AM
[Choose #1] VPM or RGBM for mix dives
ScubaGirl4U - 8/18/2008 12:33 PM
[Choose #1] I don’t have a dive computer yet!
VaDiver95 - 8/09/2008 1:18 PM
[Choose #1] yep...V-planner or Deco planner
divemaiden - 8/09/2008 8:36 AM
[Choose #1] retroactively I figure out my pg from my computer stats
Dorkfish - 8/05/2008 8:44 PM
[Choose #1] When I am not computer diving or my buddy is on tables, provided we start on tables.
CLINTatUNIQUESCUBA - 8/05/2008 6:40 PM
[Choose #2] I don’t use an abacus anymore either
MDW - 8/04/2008 4:12 PM
[Choose #1] but I make my own w/V-planner
rustymich - 8/02/2008 5:40 AM
[Choose #1] backup
deepdiver691 - 7/31/2008 12:06 PM
[Choose #1] I use them as a back up
OcalaJim - 7/30/2008 1:48 PM
[Choose #2] However, I do use them occasionally as a backup plan in case my computer dies
Oryon - 7/30/2008 10:40 AM
[Choose #1] I check the tables but dive my computer
HogLifer - 7/30/2008 9:47 AM
[Choose #1] always plan the dive incase the computer fails
ELLOCODIABLO - 7/29/2008 10:08 PM
[Choose #1] cut my own using v planner
TColJeep - 7/29/2008 7:54 PM
[Choose #3] Depends on the dive and the site.
Divetromboneplayer - 7/29/2008 6:38 PM
[Choose #2] I use computer
AirOn - 7/29/2008 12:23 PM
[Choose #1] Mostly for planning and double checking what my computer gives me after dives.
undercovermedic - 7/29/2008 11:18 AM
[Choose #2] computer
Bigdogdown - 7/27/2008 6:25 PM
[Choose #3] back up for trimix
scubadad - 7/27/2008 4:45 PM
[Choose #3] I use a computer when fun diving, tables when I’ve got students.
RigHunter - 7/27/2008 4:26 PM
[Choose #1] yes only because I teach students
jfhuard - 7/27/2008 2:53 PM
[Choose #1] to plan my dives and contingencies
Greg - 7/27/2008 11:05 AM
[Choose #1] during class.
Jeannette - 7/27/2008 10:30 AM
[Choose #1] I use them after the dive when doing my logbook. But I always have them on me in case my computer ha