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Sharm in June 2012
Dutch - 11/06/2011 4:12 PM
Category: Travel
Replies: 2

Hi all,

My wife, a few friends and myself will be heading to Sharm el Sheikh in June 2012 for a few weeks. This will be trip #7 for me and as I am new here, I thought I would let people know that this is a great dive location and I would be happy to include you in our group. I tend to stay at the low key Oonas Dive Club. Great folks and personal service. And I like the boat crew they use especially the cook...

Anyway, if anyone wants to know more about this, you can either PM me or ask here if Greg doesn’t mind.
nvalleyvee - 11/06/2011 8:18 PM

Heard it is great. Egyptian neighbor has a house in Ismalia..... For a few people and some cash we might stay there. I am interested no matter what. How much?

Dutch - 11/08/2011 3:08 PM
I was looking at the numbers and am still not in possesion of the airfare into Sharm as yet so I don’t have a perfect answer for you. In the past, it has been around $1700 ex-Amsterdam or Frankfurt for airfare/14 nights b&b/10 days 2 boat dives/airport transfers. This is based on a suite with two people. You get to Amsterdam or Frankfurt from where ever you live. It is a couple of a hundred less for a double sharing.