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Sponsor a Reef
Gidds - 5/28/2012 8:17 AM
Category: General
Replies: 2

I haven’t yet visited the Navarre Beach Marine Sanctuary, but as I understand it the reefs have been established because a bunch of us used to dive the rubble from the fishing pier that was destroyed in a hurricane. They rebuilt the fishing pier but enjoyed the economic boost divers brought to the area, and seeing the boon the USS Oriskany was to the economy of the neighboring county they decided to establish a reef to attract divers. What if we pooled resources and sponsored a reef as a group?
Greg - 5/28/2012 10:08 AM
I like the idea, but their plan seems pretty boring. I understand the benefits of creating artificial reefs for the aquatic environment...but in order to attract divers, it needs to be exciting. Building multiple pillings with rings of rock around them would create a great habitat for small fish but it doesnt create much variation that would keep divers interested. A design that includes different levels, different sizes, different shapes...would be much more appealing. Maybe us DiveBuddy members should create an organization that does this sort of stuff. Talk about having a diverse set of divers to come up with great ideas.
Gidds - 5/28/2012 10:22 AM
Now there’s an idea I like. The aspects of this project that I liked were that it encouraged shore diving, conservation, and reduced conflict between divers and fishermen, which can be a real issue here in FL. If the aforementioned issues help the economy I can support that. I agree with you that it will encourage small animals and fish but since it’s a marine reserve and because of the spearfishing laws (not against spearfishing myself) and proximity to the beach it should mean that large fish will also be safe there and not subject to the fishing pressure they would be elsewhere. The St. Andrew jetty that a lot of us dive has a LOT bigger fish, groupers and such, than any other near-shore site. Maybe we should charter our own chapter of the Reef Ball Association?