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Anyone willing to teach me to dive doubles in dutch springs Sunday 10/12???
NORTHEAST - 10/06/2014 8:03 PM
Replies: 5

Hi I just recently purchased a double setup. Now I need to learn how to dive them. Is anyone willing to teach me this Sunday. I understand it takes a lot more then one day but I want to experience them for the first time. But I want a instructor or someone with experience to dive with me on my first time. I’ll pay you for your time and you can come out on my boat in the Li sound anytime you want.
tstormdiver - 10/08/2014 4:24 AM
Wish I could, but I am too far away & working this weekend..... :(
JeffQCScuba - 10/08/2014 5:23 AM
Just a suggestion, find a good instructor and enroll in a class. Perhaps a FUNdamentals style course and or an Adv Nitrox/Deco procedures class where you will learn the basics of what you are looking for....
NORTHEAST - 10/08/2014 10:44 AM
Thank you Tamara and thank Jeff for you advise I appreciate it. I thought no one would reply.
Greg - 10/09/2014 2:21 PM
I agree with Jeff...find an instructor or dive center and enroll in a class. Most instructors require a few students in the class so it’s priced competitively. And due to liability, I doubt you’ll find a non-instructor to teach you tech diving.
NORTHEAST - 10/10/2014 7:37 AM
Understood. Well today I’m going to my lds and I’m going to jump in there pool and see how I feel in this rig. Once I do that I will defiantly enrolls in tec classes. But I just wanted to see how it feels to dive one of these rigs in a controlled environment.