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Washing a wetsuit
ChadS - 6/07/2018 1:43 AM
Category: Equipment
Replies: 5

Just bought my first wetsuit, any advice on how to dry it after use? Also, what is the best way to wash the wetsuit and how often do you wash?
LatitudeAdjustment - 6/07/2018 6:58 AM
The LDS had one someone threw in the wash, it not only destroyed the suit it damaged the machines agitator drive :(

Hand was only! Simple Green works but I’m sure the LDS will sell you something else. Hang in shade, the sun will damage it. Store flat, not under your gear.
Smithsgold - 6/07/2018 12:15 PM
I use Sink the Stink let soak then air dry. Works great for me !!!
ChadS - 6/08/2018 12:12 AM
Thanks for the information. I did find some instructions on how to wash in a washing machine as well here:
DJJR15 - 6/21/2018 3:11 PM
I recommend wash in the tub and I made a rack of PVC to hang wet suit, BCD and rest of the gear. I live alone and have to bathrooms, so I can get away with it. But this way you can soak and wash them hang it up to drip and dry away from the sun and safe in the house. I do buy the detergent from the shops to make it last longer.