New DiveBuddy Stickers - Coming Soon
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Comments: 7
New DiveBuddy Stickers - Coming Soon


badintexas - 1/16/2013 10:18 AM
Hey Greg, I’m Becky. Wanna be my buddy? :O) I love these. I can’t wait to get them in and pass them out to help get DiveBuddy out there more!!!
SantaFeSandy - 1/16/2013 11:32 AM
I told Kyle, from OK, who works at Extreme Exposure in Highland Springs, FL, about you all today, and he went to your site. I’ve got your link posted on my Sandra Koster Photography Facebook page, Female Jockeys, my private Facebook Page, my photography group, and on ScubaBoard. I’m yet to Pin or Tweet you though, but will, anytime now. :-) Actually, I should save this image, and then Pin and Tweet it!
SantaFeSandy - 1/16/2013 11:42 AM
Done, your website is now Pinned and Tweeted.
SantaFeSandy - 1/16/2013 11:45 AM
Butchie - 1/16/2013 5:58 AM
Nice look. I like them Greg. I need one for my FJ?!?!?
Greg - 1/16/2013 7:52 AM
I’ll email everyone once I have them. You can use a permanent marker to write in your screen name.
Eve - 1/15/2013 3:08 PM
like it