My Boat
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Category: Boats
Comments: 5
My Boat


Royalllc - 6/09/2013 4:40 PM
Thanks Steve! This boat hold about 80 gal fuel. It could go to Santa Barbra or ST. Nicolas, Sanclemente Island. Let me know if you all want to go.
lvh2o_2010 - 6/10/2013 4:29 PM
Yesss I want to go!!
Royalllc - 6/09/2013 4:38 PM
  1. Let’s setup for Tuesday Dive at Catalina Island other then dive park. We could share costs. i will take my boat. Four people would be nice.
lvh2o_2010 - 6/10/2013 4:29 PM
I cant go this tues,, Im on call with work,, But next tues I can do it.
lvh2o_2010 - 5/26/2013 12:10 AM
D Nice boat!!!!!!