Yay!! ok so i started my class on jun 1st got through all the written tests and and all that fun stuff:) and on the 4th we hit the pool! it went great was so much fun and nice and warm at 84 degree’s lol we practiced asending, fin pivots, mask flooding, even had some leftover time and got to play underwater football:) i suck at catching it but i was able to practice clearing my mask because when i laugh my mask leaks and i lol a lot:) and that was end of day 1 in the pool everyone in my class did really well, on to day 2 in the pool:) we practised swimming withour our masks, removing our BCD’s and the different ways to get them on, steping out into the water, and rollback into the water [-liked this one more:) way easier for me, all in all an awesome in pool session:) i will put up some of the pics from the class, we hit the ocean this weekend hoping the weather is great:) Thanks Tiff