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Fantasy Lake Adventure Park - First dive pic
Fantasy Lake Adventure Park - Fantasy Lake Dive Map
Fantasy Lake Adventure Park - Fantasy Lake map, SE corner
Fantasy Lake Adventure Park - Fantasy Lake Temperature profile
Fantasy Lake Adventure Park - Friendly bass
Fantasy Lake Adventure Park - Temperature Profile
Fantasy Lake Adventure Park - AIRWORKS DarkDiver
Fantasy Lake Adventure Park - Photo uploaded by Fred_M (PICT0134.JPG)
Fantasy Lake Adventure Park - Photo uploaded by Fred_M (PICT0133.JPG)
Fantasy Lake Adventure Park - Photo uploaded by Fred_M (PICT0132.JPG)
Fantasy Lake Adventure Park - VW Bug underwater
Fantasy Lake Adventure Park - Covered picnic tables
Fantasy Lake Adventure Park - Cliffs on south side of lake
Fantasy Lake Adventure Park - Bottom composition
Fantasy Lake Adventure Park - Aquatic life in lake
Fantasy Lake Adventure Park - Large parking lot
Fantasy Lake Adventure Park - close up quarry map
Fantasy Lake Adventure Park - Quarry Map
Fantasy Lake Adventure Park - Fantasy Lake Scuba Park
Fantasy Lake Adventure Park - Fantasy Lake