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California Fires
timengle - 9/01/2009 12:35 PM
Category: General
Replies: 9

Please keep all of us and our Firefighters in your thoughts and prayers. My son is one of those Firefighters and will be on the front lines today. 

One of these fires is less than a mile from my home, heading the other way thankfully, but many many homes are in it’s path.

Matt65 - 9/01/2009 3:26 PM
Is really really sad to hear of anyone loosing thier home like that, peoples lives literally up in smoke! Our best wishes and prayers go out to you, yours, and anyone in harms way.
1maurscuba - 9/01/2009 9:09 PM
Will do.
sk290 - 9/02/2009 12:59 AM
Hi Tim,

Hope your son and everyone in the area are doing okay. I have all of you in my prayers.

Eve - 9/02/2009 7:25 AM
Our prayers are with you and the firefighters. Keep us informed plz.
badintexas - 9/02/2009 2:40 PM
Absolutely! Our prayers are with all of the people up there. I’m sure it’s scary. My friend emailed me a picture that she took from her patio and off in the distance you could see the fires. It’s crazy.
firediver57 - 9/03/2009 11:48 AM
From all of us here at SEAduction we will keep you and your son in our prayers. Brad and my wife, Wendy, are volunteer firefighters and Iam a volunteer and career firefighter. We understand what he is doing and going through. let us know if we can do more. Carmine
ssbeachbaby - 9/03/2009 8:56 PM

Ya’ll are in our prayers

timengle - 9/03/2009 9:38 PM

I want to thank all of you for your thoughts and prayers for everyone affected by these fires. The 2 fires in my area, Yucaipa, are 100% and 75% contained. Please continue your thoughts and prayers for the Firefighters and others in Southern California, as there are still some huge fires in the LA area that are still raging.

Thank you very much everyone.

h2ofria - 9/28/2009 11:57 AM
I hope everything turned out all right. In my younger days I found myself fighting fires in California and around the Canada and the U.S. It was always scary, and exhilarting all at the same time.