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Rating blogs and such
okmister1 - 10/09/2007 7:37 AM
Category: General
Replies: 2

I know that Greg does a good job of rating blogs and he`s fair. But as the site gets bigger and bigger it`s going to grow past him to be able to keep up. I was thinking that allowing members to rate blogs with the first ten or so raters being averaged determining the points the blogger recieves. Pictures, profiles and any number of other items could be rated by the same software for fun. More than for points, I think something like this would provide feedback to the members about what is and isn`t being read and appreciated. I tend to blog about book and dvd reviews because I have no chance to dive at present. I do wonder if it helps anyone. I also tend to think that many blogs are more accurately buddy board posts, but I don`t really like telling someone how to run their own blog section. Does that make sense to anyone else?
Greg - 10/09/2007 1:10 PM
So you`re suggesting that I give members the power to assign points to other member`s blogs?
okmister1 - 10/10/2007 12:10 AM
In an averaging kind of way.

Kind of like scores on hot or not are done. Obviously it would have to stop at some point to assign them to the memeber, say after 5 or 10 reviews.

Just an idea and I honestly don`t know how hard it would be to implement.