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Layang Layang or Lankayan at Borneo?
kc_moses76 - 5/14/2011 11:30 PM
Category: Travel
Replies: 2

Will be at Borneo/Sabah early September. I’m wondering if I should go to Layang Layang or Lankayan. I have been to Sipadan area twice so I will pass for this time.

Layang Layang is well known for hammerhead sharks but the season is May to August. Since I will around the area around early September, I might be able to see some left over hammer head shark, but I’m prepare to not see any of it, but just want to enjoy some super clear visibility tropical water.

Lankayan on the other hand is known to spot whale shark from time to time, and I read that the resort there is quite nice.

I’m wondering if any one have any opinion, and if anyone would be interested to buddy up to dive at that area.
badintexas - 5/16/2011 2:11 PM
You can do a search for Borneo on DiveBuddy for more information. There are quite a few dive sites and forum topics with members who have given their opinion. You can email them directly with questions also. I don’t see any for Layang Layang but I’m sure you can find information with a google search. Have fun! Sounds amazing!
kc_moses76 - 5/23/2011 10:50 AM
Was told Layang Layang will be closed for renovation when I’m around the area, so that means it’s going to be Lankayan then.