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Diving at Camp Bay Beach Resort - Roatan Honduras East End
Campbayresort - 9/27/2013 7:50 AM
Category: Travel
Replies: 2

Ok, Some of you have dove Roatan Honduras....Well as you know most of the reefs are dead or on it’s way ....Now i’ve been coming to Roatan for 25 years and have dove all over the west and north sides even have dove down to Oak Ridge....For the past six years i ran a 70’ live aboard here and loved it....But my passion for teaching was pushing me to do more scuba / adaptive scuba instructor and dive master certification courses, as well as the other courses....So i started looking around went to Costa Rica, Panama , caymans who can afford to buy anything there now....A friend told me of a small resort that didn’t have diving but did we looked at it and i remember going past it several years ago when CNBC charted my live a board with Lester Holtz....Now we dove around that part of the island and was so suprised because the reefs were alive and doing well very well.We started talk about buy the resoer after doing all the work one needs in a country like Honduras and remember i’ve been working here for six years and knwe what to look for as i already had my Corp in good standings . It took about eight months to work out everything and now a as of August -15-2012 Camp bay beach dive & adventure resort Roatans east end is mine...I write this because as a diver i want to see healthy reefs and fish....There are only two resorts who dive this area and we don’t see them much , i’ve even put in mooring balls to protect the reef’s....You ask why do i write this ...It’s simple i would like you or your group to come and enjoy a relaxing diving vacation / Holiday it’s just that simple . The diving here is great ., Hey don’t believe me just check out our face book pictures yep It’s your next diving vacation / Holiday Picture don’t lie...our web site is If you have any questions feel free to e-mail me at Thank you....
LatitudeAdjustment - 10/07/2013 7:20 PM
Your website is blocked from work but I was able to view it from home, it needs some tweeking.

The only place it shows your location is under "contact us" and it’s not as east as I was expecting.

Under "scuba diving" is nothing for the diver with a c-card, how about a picture of the dive boat, discription of the reefs, do you have dives for all levels, any wrecks at that end, can you launch from the south shore if sea conditions are bad on the north, dive packages and pricing?
Campbayresort - 10/27/2013 6:00 AM
Thank You for you in put...You can not go any more . east then we are There are no wrecks on this side , however were told there are some , but no one seem’s to know where they are...The diving here is great.close to us . Like i said i’ve dove all over Roatan, and just love this east side...We don’t operate the yacht anymore as i wanted to do more teaching so we bought the resort. Currently we are running a stay and play diver and non-diver special . a week of two tank diving, one night dive per week, three meals per day snacks and soft drinks at meal time , bonfire at night , beach and bar service and just a relaxing and fun time. Diver $695 -non-diver-#495 D/O Again Thank You for you comment.

