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Eels in Bonaire
Hank-NYC - 3/02/2016 7:38 PM
Category: Videography
Replies: 4

Sharing video of my recent trip to Bonaire. I was fortunate to observe quite active Spotted Moray Eels, Green Moray Eels, and a Sharptail Eel. I was able to capture some of the Eels hunting and capturing their prey. Bonaire Eels
Hank-NYC - 3/11/2016 6:20 PM
If you haven’t been to Bonaire before you have to dive the Salt Pier. It’s an amazing dive.
Hank-NYC - 3/11/2016 7:06 PM
Also, if your hotel come with an option to rent a truck - do it. There are free fill stations all over the island so you can nearly shore dive anywhere. No way to get lost, there are little yellow rocks w/dive site numbers which correspond to the official dive site map. You are going to have a great time!