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Florida Vacation Mid-May
NWKatShark - 4/14/2009 9:55 PM
Category: Travel
Replies: 6

I’m going to Florida ,vicinity of West Palm Beach for 10 days in mid/latter May. I’m flying into Pensacola and renting a car to dive the circuit all the way down to the Keys including the Springs, Sea World and a few other places. Plan on living underwater, surfacing occasionally to sample local libations and mingle with the Natives. I’ll be based out of Jupiter, north of West Palm Beach.

Several questions.

How’s diving that time of the year (May)? Is it better East Coast or West Coast?

Can I expect to get in any Bug hunting?

What’s average there for a wet suit, 3mm or 7mm? (I’m a Pac Northwest drysuit diver in 49 degree waters. Yeah, brrrrrr!).

If you want to hook-up, hang out and show me around or have a few local brews, let me know.

Jupitermermaid - 4/15/2009 3:26 PM


Diving in Jupiter/West Palm is really nice in May. The lemon sharks will be gone, but some Goliath Groupers may still be hanging out, as well as turtles, reef sharks, and lots of tropical fish. I prefer the east side of the coast....not only because I live here, but you don’t have to go very far off shore to hit some great drift dives. The west coast doesn’t have the clear water, and to get some good diving in you have to go out quite a ways.

You won’t be able to get any bugs, as lobster season ended two weeks ago. It’s time to let them lay their eggs, get bigger and braver for next season. There IS good lobstering here, though, in season. They teased us a lot last week because it’s almost like they know we can’t take them, and they come out in full view to taunt us now. :-)

I live in Jupiter and dive most weekends, so if you want to hook up and dive together, give me a hollar! Also, feel free to ask any other questions you might have about the area.
Diverdeni - 4/16/2009 9:02 AM
Hi Larry...

 Everything she said is so true..its great diving right here in our back yard. The water will be WARM for you..only a 1 or 3 mm needed here.
Great diving anywhere in the Keys...Upper mainly...check out Key Largo area, Sombrero in Marathon and Looe Key just south of there. You will have seen the best of it.

 If you 2 want some additional company..we could meet up at the Square Grouper for a drink...

I also highly recommend Jupiter Dive Center for diving here...tell ’em we sent you !

 Have Fun ...Denise
Diverdeni - 4/16/2009 9:08 AM
Hi Larry...

Everything she said is sooo true. We have the best right here in our backyard...
It will be WARM for you in May..only a 1 or 3 mm will be needed.
 I recommend Jupiter Dive Center while here...tell em we sent you !

While in the the Key Largo area..Conch Republic charter is good. Also..Sombrero Reef in Marathon..Halls dive shop. And Looe Key in Big Pine..
 While you are here..if you (2 )would like some more company, , we could meet up at the Square Grouper in Jupiter..don’t miss it..

HAve fun...
scubadmike - 4/19/2009 6:57 AM
Larry Jupiter dive center is great ..They have 2 boats & a great shop ..Jupiter mermade goes there often .. HAVE FUN !!!!!
tweetie711us - 5/08/2009 2:31 PM
If you make it down to Pompano/Deerfield or Fort lauderdale, let me know.
dive7mmwet - 12/29/2013 5:00 PM
Oh great trip, for sure go a bit more south PALM BEACH to Boynton Beach! The Gulf stream comes the closest to the USA here! that means reef life ,critters, great wrecks and best yet its not a tourist location shhhh dont tell any one! oh the beach sugar white sand for miles with free parking or paid parking at the main park with showers and food! Boynton is known by the locals! we dive with for years Kev at uwe the marina is so nice you pull up to the dive boat drop your gear and park right there for free!with several great places to walk to to eat at drink at right next to the marina and dive boats but my favorite up the street a short walk after a day of diving is Hurricane Alley!
Jupiter and other sites a bit north are ok but I will for ever go back to the BOYNTON BEACH MARINA, THE BEST AND ONLY RIGHT THING BOYNTON DID RIGHT!
The Keys= Largo base camp dive you brains out!
The springs wow private are Blue Groto,Devils Den, public we love Troy,Manatee, and on and on each have their own nuances and rules and regs one thing Florida’s state parks are in my opinion the best in the USA! but you will at all of them need a bud, on the boats if your squared away and got your ST together you can solo as the locals do Have fun!