Rich-D-Fish - 5/06/2014 4:52 PM
I wish I had a picture of both the bomb and the sign the DM posted on the boat. We were diving San Clemente Island, the Southern most of the Channel Islands off the Southern California coast. The island is owned by the military which uses it primarily for naval target practice. Every time I’ve been to the island we have to check to see which, if any, areas are open to us to dive on a given day. Well, on this day we were diving "Airport Reef" located at the end of the runway. Apparently it is not uncommon for planes to drop their unused bombs into the water rather than try and land with them. The sign next to the dive gate read "IF IT LOOKS LIKE A BOMB...IT IS A BOMB! DON’T TOUCH IT!" And yes, I found one. And no, I did not touch it.