LatitudeAdjustment - 7/28/2015 6:20 AM
As a teen I was in NYC in 1956 and saw the Stockholm sail in with her damaged bow, it had been made to deal with icebergs and cut right into the Doria :(

Years ago I was diving NC and a frail old diver was being helped into the water by the Olympus crew. We talk now about the equipment and training needed for this dive but him and some others chartered a fishing boat right after the Doria sunk to take them to the wreck. They found the Doria at dusk and told the Captain they would dive in the AM, he said no I’m not anchoring in a shipping lane so it was a night dive. Think about how dim the flashlights were then! They dove on air, multiple independent 72’s with J-valves, no SPG’s, no depth gauges, no Bend-O-Matic’s, just tables in 40 degree water with wetsuits!

Now the Doria’s been picked clean, those looking for artifacts need to pentitrate deeper to find anything and it’s beginning to collapase, I’m surprised more haven’t died on her.