LatitudeAdjustment - 9/19/2017 6:10 AM
"One of my bucket list items is to dive with sharks. Some of the places that offer those dives say you have to have X number of logged dives."

I assume you are talking about the Galapagos where some if not all of the liveaboards have a 100 dive requirement. You will be making blue water assents thru schools of sharks and if you get distracted or your skills are not there and you get bent help is days away and you have just ruined the cruise for everyone else.

That being said I have seen instructors and DM’s from limited viz areas with hundreds of dives get to blue water and find out their buoyancy control isn’t what they thought.

Some people have time and depth limits on what they log but I treat my log as a journal, if you aborted that dive it was a learning experience!