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Chattanooga Tennessee diver down!
Sonnylynnvick75 - 2/20/2015 4:45 PM
Category: Health & Safety
Replies: 4

If any of you know of leisure time dive and ski in Chattanooga, Gary Mcnabb the former owner had an incident in Florida today. He was doing a boat dive and hit his head on the prop is currently in a medica coma and has skull and possible brain injuries. Prayers for him would be appreciated
Greg - 2/21/2015 6:55 AM
Hopefully the prop wasn’t moving. All the best to him and his family. Hope he recovers.
Eric_R - 2/21/2015 8:30 AM
Hope he fully recovers.
Gapony - 3/07/2015 6:57 AM
Sending lots of prayers for a full recovery
Keith333 - 6/19/2015 6:28 PM
With prayers for him and his family