DCS & then some
tstormdiver - 4/17/2016 5:03 PM
Category: Health & Safety
Replies: 7

Did a 123 min. dive to 99 ft a few days ago at Ginnie Springs (N0. FL). The profile on my computer was a good one After getting out I had severe cramps in my feet, ankles, shins , hamstrings, lower back & middle fingers of the hand. A few hours later, I noticed swelling & tenderness around my "girls". The next morning the swelling was much worse & one of the "girls" was considerably bigger than the other. I talked to my tech instructor, who told me to call DAN. I called & was told to go to the South Georgia Medical Center. After spending 5 hours in the ER & discovering through the lab tests, that I was also diabetic (runs very strong in my family- was just a matter of time for me), I was taken down the the re-compression chambers. I did a 5 hour, schedule 6 ride. The swelling went down considerably from the treatment. I was then taken to the ICU because of the combination of DCS & diabetes. Worst night I’ve ever spent, immense stress, strange place, hooked up to more wires than I’ve ever seen, Someone drawing blood every couple hours.... I was scared to say the least. Except when I was born 47 yrs ago, I have never been in a hospital. The next day, I was released with medicine for the diabetes, until I can get back home. The DCS hit was attributed to dehydration from the undiagnosed diabetes. I am over the DCS, however can not dive for 6 weeks. The DCS hit was a blessing in disguise. At least I found the diabetes & now I have to deal with it. Looks like there will be some very serious lifestyle change coming down the tubes VERY soon.
lerpy - 4/18/2016 9:12 AM
Glad to hear you are ok and on the mend.
Esvee650 - 4/18/2016 9:41 AM
Woah glad you’re OK, and it’s good the diabetes is being addressed. The sooner the better.
Eric_R - 4/18/2016 12:58 PM
You were very fortunate. Secondary issues is often how diabetes is found in people. Glad your OK and will be able to dive again.
tardmaster - 4/19/2016 6:51 AM
wow...very good to hear you are okay. question though, obviously you are waaaay more experienced than I am but a 123 min. dive at 99 ft? Isnt that out of the deco limit? Were you on a rebreather?
tstormdiver - 4/19/2016 11:55 PM
From tardmaster: wow...very good to hear you are okay. question though, obviously you are waaaay more experienced than I am but a 123 min. dive at 99 ft? Isnt that out of the deco limit? Were you on a rebreather?

It is out of No deco limits, yes. I am trained for decompression diving on both Open circuit (regular Scuba) & for CCR (Rebreather).Yes, I was on a rebreather at the time, though I seriously doubt it had any bearing on my situation.