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Occidental Cozumel- Feb 12-19, 2023 - Trip Questions
Divingcpl - 9/16/2022 2:22 PM
Category: Travel
Replies: 1

We’ve booked a dive vacation in Cozumel for Feb 12-19, 2023 and are staying at the Occidental Resort. They have a dive operation on site that includes Nitrox.

1. Will we need wetsuits at that time of year or can we just dive in skins?
2. They offer Nitrox, should I pack an O2 analyzer or just go with it?
3. Is it okay to carry on your regulator and computer on the airplane or checked baggage?
4. Do they require a dive log?
5. What can we expect for diving? Depth? Time? Weather conditions? Vizability?
6. Is it okay to use ice in your drinks?
7. Any other advice?

Thanking everyone in advance for the advice and suggestions!
LatitudeAdjustment - 9/17/2022 8:24 AM
1, I always wore a 3 mil, if you are going thru a swim thru a skin isn’t any protection and once we got caught on the boat in a hail storm
2, Either way but if you have an analyzer be prepared to share it
3, I always have mine in carry on, not checked
4, Never been asked to see my log but you will be asked when the last dive was. If it’s been awhile they may put you on the newbies boat. The 1st dive site is usually trashed as they are watching your skill set before they put you someplace you could do damage.
6, Most resorts use purified water to make ice but in town I wouldn’t
7, Enjoy!