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Jeff from Holiday FL | Scuba Diver

In 1997, while on vacation in Hawaii, I tried the Discover SCUBA - actually I did that 5 times while there. I truly loved the experience and could not wait to get certified and do it more.

12 years passed, and teh love of diving was still there, but never had the real time or opportunity to get certified. Until now...I am SSI certified for Open Water as of Feb, 2009 and have also completed Nitrox, Deep Dive, Limited Vis Specialties. I am working on Navigation to be followed by Stress/Rescue. I am working on full Advanced Cert then on to Master.

Although relatively inexperienced, I look forward to growing and learning more. It’s never too late, even for us "old guys".


nauidiver - 4/01/2009 10:53 AM
Jeff -

Welcome to Dive Buddy
Thanks for the add!

- Dale
WCReefers - 4/01/2009 10:47 AM