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Stuart from North Wales Flintshire | Scuba Diver

I learned to dive at Frogs Born Diving School in Harwarden North Wales, with Richard Frost as my instructor, completed my Ocean Diver course in 2010, Now quailfied as BASC Sports Diver, Nitrox Qualified. I have 150+ completed dives and I have dived the Cenotes Caverns in Mexico, and Cozumal Island. Also the Reefs off Tiran island in the Red Sea. I have dived in the UK at Eccleston Delph, Stoney Cove and Capernwray. In January 2015 I travelled to Truk lagoon and stayed on the Dive Boat Odyssey. Which included a Dive on the San Francisco Maru.
In January 2016 I visited Malapascua Island in the Philippines where I dived with Oceanic Thresher Sharks.
at Monad Shoals
I have my own dry suit and equipment for diving in the UK.


Holty54 - 9/25/2013 2:32 PM
I made a 100% on the following quiz:
Scuba Diving Quiz - Just the Basics Part 1
Holty54 - 6/13/2013 7:51 AM
Sorry not Lake Don Pedro, it is the Mediteranean Sea, and the wreck is off the Spanish Island of Ibiza
Holty54 - 6/13/2013 4:55 AM
Just returned from Ibiza and dived on the Don Pedro ship wreck, it is the largest wreck in the Mediterranean Sea. a roll on roll off ferry that sank in 2007. reached 36m depth. water quite cold only 16 degrees celsius. ship is 146 metres in length, it is intact and lying on its side, the ship struck some rocks underwater causing it to sink.

some pictures in my photo in my profile