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Beginner Diver dies in Thailand
Scubadad2 - 2/16/2016 9:45 AM
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Category: Health & Safety
Comments: 3
The title is a bit misleading because there was gross negligence involving the boat operator and the dive master.

Read the article and let me know what your thoughts are.


Greg - 2/18/2016 7:47 AM
The instructor left one person underwater while helping another one to the surface that had equalization issues. The person left underwater was 62 years old and brand new to diving and ended up dying. The instructor should have ascended with both of them. There were a number of other violations like not having a work permit and no boat registration. Seems fishy to me.
ncopple - 4/10/2016 5:02 PM
Terrible! Divemaster needs to brush up on a few safety skills! I’m a new enough diver and just a bit older than the unfortunate victim. I would probably get lost and just come up but I would not want to dive alone for any period of time.
ScubaDabaDo - 4/12/2016 7:13 PM
Dive Buddy = Wing Man ... You Never Leave your Wing Man.