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Scuba Forum > Survey
Topic Category Views Replies
Best Vacation Dive Destinations ? Part 3 What most of us can afford $$$$ Survey 1641 7
Smithsgold - Apr 25, 23
Best Vacation Dive Destinations ? Part 2 Survey 1242 1
Smithsgold - Apr 25, 23
Best Vacation Dive Destinations ? Part 1 Survey 1253 1
Smithsgold - Apr 25, 23
Texas SCUBA Diver Licence Plates Survey 3855 0
TXDivePlates - Aug 5, 20
What Influenced You to Get Certified Survey 3734 17
usdiveshows - Jul 8, 20 Changes - Merge Sections Survey 4573 37
Greg - Jun 22, 20
Diving While "Social Distancing"? Survey 4617 20
badintexas - Apr 3, 20
What are your thoughts on Vintage Double Hose diving? Survey 5836 12
MDW - Dec 21, 18
Do you like Scuba Diving? Survey 5635 47
Greg - Aug 21, 18
Preferred mask defogger Survey 5169 33
joe_bird - Jun 21, 18
Isles of Shoals Diver Survey Survey 4801 8
Cyntillation - Mar 19, 18
Are you giving Scuba gifts for Christmas? Survey 6071 19
Greg - Dec 24, 17
Handicap Diving Survey 4661 5
Eric_R - Dec 24, 17
How many years have you been SCUBA diving ? Survey 5527 54
Smithsgold - Oct 16, 17
Diving in the Red Sea Survey 4740 1
ScubaDr - Aug 9, 17
Have you watched Chasing Coral? Survey 5519 25
TooTanked - Jul 30, 17
Benefits of belonging to a dive club Survey 5366 14
Caloosa - May 5, 17
Are Snorkels Necessary ? Survey 5575 72
Smithsgold - Jun 20, 16
Waiting for the Boat while Diving (While in the Water) Survey 5225 34
Smithsgold - May 25, 16
Scuba Diving Naked Survey - Adult Eyes Only Survey 15931 126
Greg - Apr 22, 16
Do you rent or own gear All or pieces and why? Survey 6882 57
Sonnylynnvick75 - Mar 1, 16
How do you support your diving? Survey 5849 30
Diver_Down - Feb 20, 16
Members Near Me Notification - Reduce to 50 miles? Survey 8217 42
Greg - Feb 8, 16
Scuba Diving and Other Hobbies Survey 7596 74
Greg - Oct 19, 15
How Many SCUBA Tanks do you own ? Survey 6701 98
Smithsgold - Sep 4, 15
Miles to local Dive shop ? Survey 6139 53
Smithsgold - Aug 13, 15
Next DiveBuddy T-Shirt - Vote Now Survey 11812 557
Greg - Apr 20, 15
Three things you’d tell your OW dive shop after one year? Anything? Survey 7173 17
Gaucho223 - Feb 8, 15
Best tanks for back mounting? Survey 7070 19
MDW - Feb 7, 15
Best tanks for side mounting? Survey 7723 9
MDW - Feb 7, 15
On your back or at your side Survey 5538 15
MDW - Feb 7, 15
what limits your dive? cold, air, bottom time or having to pee Survey 6633 46
Mako13 - Jan 19, 15
Dived vs. Dove - Past Tense of Dive Survey 9348 46
Greg - Dec 17, 14
No scuba mask underwater Survey 8526 58
Greg - Dec 16, 14
Pros Only: Do you teach children to scuba dive? Survey 7478 19
Greg - Oct 9, 14
On a single dive, do you run out of air before reaching your NDL? Survey 9915 65
Greg - Sep 9, 14
Weight Belt or Integrated Weight ? Survey 8353 67
Smithsgold - Aug 27, 14
Should we stop off shore drilling for Oil ? Survey 5915 30
Smithsgold - Aug 23, 14
Would you write a review about the dive business you are working/have worked at? Survey 12858 6
TheGoodKid - Jul 1, 14
Your best friend may not be your best dive buddy. Survey 6164 23
DiverMikeB - Jun 12, 14