how great is it when you meet someone that when you were young you hung out with the same crowd but never spoke,,. Well there is a friend of mine that we hadve added each other to the drive buddy list we have. He is a great guy makes me wonder why we never talked. I truly thing the world is small, I actually have meet a lot of people I grew up with and lost touch with or just knew about. They are divers and there a few I helped trained. Knowing this diving is more then a way or life or sport.. it brings people together from all walks of life and from the past. People you thought you would never see again. I have to admit all my best friends now I meet through diving and they are the greatest and they know who they are. But again diving is so much more then being under the water. I look forward to spending Feb with them in the Keys.. We are going to have the greatest time.. Then spending the weekends on the boat. Love a rambling diving freak