Aqua Amigos Annual Spaghetti Dinner
Saturday, March 28th, 2020
Featured guest Speaker, Jessica Levy
Restoration Program Manager of the
Coral Reef Restoration Foundation.
"Mission:Iconic Reefs"
Jessica Levy, the Restoration Program Manager at the Coral Restoration Foundation (CRF), manages efforts to grow coral colonies in offshore nurseries, and then “plant” them onto the reef with the assistance of many dedicated colleagues and volunteers. She has worked with CRF for six years, starting as a volunteer in her early days, and has seen the organization grow from a small non-profit to a global force in coral restoration.
By focusing efforts on coral reef habitat, Mission: Iconic Reefs complements NOAA’s ongoing Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary Restoration Blueprint and management plan. The effort to put Florida Keys coral reefs on track for recovery is an enormous undertaking, requiring long-term collaboration between many partners. A cross-NOAA team is engaging world-renowned scientists, local restoration partners, and other federal and state agencies to save these important, iconic resources.
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