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To wetsuit or not to wetsuit
sobie18 - 2/02/2008 9:48 AM
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Category: Equipment
Comments: 2
Here on Guam, the water temperature is usually around 84-86 degrees. Well, it was chilly 83 degrees today...We get a LOT of Japanese tourists here and they usually go diving. I would venture to say that ALL of them wear wetsuits. I wear swim trunks and a T-shirt. Am I missing out on anything? Is it the bouyancy or the protection from jellyfish, coral, and eels biting you? Can someone shed some light on this for me? Thanks!


Kasia - 2/07/2008 1:51 PM
I dove in T-shirt and shorts before many times and I have seen people wear 3 mil suits in hot waters of red sea. You are not alone. Not sure why, but I think they should read up on heat exhaustion.
SKEETER - 2/04/2008 1:21 PM
a wet suit gives you snug and safe from scraps, but not anenset els or bites. Jelleys yes I where a 3mm most of the time in the water to stay worm 80 to 85. now it is 76 yesterday. if you can dive in shorts there you are not missing anything eather.Sometimes i dive shorts too.