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humans and their tossing garbage
jeff98208 - 1/09/2007 12:00 AM
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Category: Personal
Comments: 3
humans and their tossing garbagei was diving at edmonds underwater park, today. and i picked up not only a golfball, but i also picked just 1 of thousands or more their. i picked them up to show my children the terrible things we`re doing to our oceans world wide. i am trying to educate the younglings what would the oceans be like if there where no more animals in the waters of our planet, and what actions we as a people can do to preserve our waters world wide. the bottle came up from 50ft and the golfball from 25ft. anyways, have a rockin` day! jeff


NWKatShark - 3/24/2007 12:00 AM
I,dive the Puget Sound too. I constantly see disgarded trash littering the water. I think if a boat/dock/shore fisherman is caught littering, they should have to take a scuba class to see what they are contributing to. I once had a neighbor who would walk his dog and allow it to poop in my yard, every week. I finally deposited the evidence in his mailbox. He got the message, I no longer have landmines in my yard.
jeff98208 - 1/10/2007 12:00 AM
your right gregg. not only will it help clean our ocean floor, but it`ll help the eco system aswell. not to mention our children can enjoy the animals of the deep blue just as much as we do. and in turn, they`ll most likely teach their children.
Greg - 1/10/2007 12:00 AM
I have also seen some pretty nasty stuff around some dive sites. Maybe we should all commit to picking up at least one piece of trash everytime we go diving.