Pearson Education, the world’s largest publisher of educational textbooks, recently published the latest edition in its Connect series. These English textbooks are used throughout the Caribbean to educate island children, using local examples and scenarios to make the lessons more relevant.
In this latest Connect text book, authors Orville and Vicki Aimey and Amaral and Samuel Soyer used an interview with Eric Douglas, originally published by the
Cayman Compass, Cayman’s National Newspaper, to illustrate good interviewing techniques. Each unit in the text book features a different island in the Caribbean and the Cayman unit revolves around this interview.
The interview is about Douglas’ first dive adventure novel
Cayman Cowboys. The book is a diving adventure set on Grand Cayman and prominently featuring Sunset House and My Bar as well. The story deals with diving, the environment and what happens when development and nature come into conflict, fueled by greed.
For more information about the textbook, or to learn more about the novel Cayman Cowboys, visit Douglas’ website at