My girl took advantage of X-treme scooters and purchased me an X-155 scooter for my Birthday. She took advantage of the buy two get one free deal. One goes to my girl , the other to a soldier of mine who has been diving with me. I am taking mine to the pool on tuesday and then up to Dutch Springs to try them out next weekend. I am wondering if anyone has a way to calculate the weight needed to make the scooter neutral other than trial and error as the book suggests. If anyone has suggestions please feel free. If you want to try one out with me, just let me know. My primary divebuddy will be unable to dive until (October). We are awaiting the arrival of a new diver. He is currently diving in a small body of water with Bad viz but a good temp.
6 May 2008- We took two of the scooters to the pool. We put two pounds in mine and three pounds in the other. Mine was slightly positive while the other was slightly negative. I am going to try adding another 8 ounces and see what happens. I have am wondering if anyone has any experiences with both positive or negatively bouyant scooters. I laughed when I stopped and it slowly started rising up from the 15 foot deep pool. I don’t know how funny it would be at 60 ft. We played around with them for about 2hrs until they ran out of juice. I had fun doing loops and S turns. It was a blast. I can’t wait to take them to the quarry or the Beach. Which ever comes first.