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Ginnie Springs
JackS - 1/14/2007 12:00 AM
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For my certification dives back in Septembter, I went down to Ginnie Springs in North Florida. The springs are located along the Santa Fe river near Gainsville. As a lifelong Seminoles fan I was definetly behind the enemy lines. It was amazing how crystal clear the water in the springs were. The last dive we did on the trip was a dive down to the bottom of the spring which is inside a cave. The management allows divers who are certified as Open Water divers to dive the cave since you can see the ambient light at all times within the cave. Also it is impossible to get lost inside the cave since there is only one way in and one way out. They have put in a grate at the bottom of the cave in about 50` of water. If you swim up to the grate and hold on to it you can feel the force of the current pushing the water out of the spring (truly amazing). But on the bottom of the cave you could look up and see all the way to the surface (50+ feet) the water was that clear. Look forward to many more diving adventures now that I have my card. I have been diving 4 times since this trip and I can not get enough of it. I am making a trip down to Key West in April for my wife`s birthday and I will definetly be diving there. I will keep you posted on that trip.