Did you know that DiveBuddy.com has more "scuba" related photos than PhotoBucket.com? As of Sep. 26th, 2008, DiveBuddy.com has 18,538 photos and PhotoBucket has only 13,355 photos when you search for the keyword "scuba".
That’s a record worth blogging about huh? Now we need to catch up with google images, which doesn’t really count because they scan through the whole internet and borrow everyone else’s images.
I know...not all our photos on DiveBuddy are "scuba" related, some are just down right weird...but they are all from scuba divers, so in my book, that counts :)
Thank you for making DiveBuddy.com so popular! Keep those scuba photos coming...and make sure to put them in the right category and give them descriptive titles so we can search through them easily. That will make it a lot nicer when we have 1 million + photos on our site!