I am passing this on for a marine biologist, Nancy Caruso, who has championed the kelp restoration project here in Orange County for over seven years. She needs your help. She has an opportunity to receive a grant for $10,000. All she needs is for everyone to “vote” for her . Just follow these steps…
https://www.nau.com/za/NAU?PAGE=register&nextpage=grant-4-change This creates a login for you to register.
2. Then click on this link
http://www.nau.com/collective/grant-for-change/nancy-caruso-472.html My nomination will pop up with a beautiful picture taken by Scott Gietler of diver s in kelp.
3. Look for the 5 stars lined up on the bottom of the write up
4. Click on the
5th star. You are rating my project so make sure you click on the
5th star in the line of stars. PLEASE! Help me and tell ALL your friends to do the same! If you need help to figure it out call me and I will walk you through it. Thank you! Nancy L. Caruso
Thanks Dive Buddies,
Monkey diver