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Group Buddy Check Procedure
Dorkfish - 7/12/2007 12:00 AM
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Category: Educational
Comments: 1
In one of my other blogs someone has brought up the difficulty of commuincating in large groups while letting less experienced divers learn to lead and develop good buddy skills. I have a visual communication procedure taken straight from an SRT manual to help resolve this. This is the SRT "shoulder tap" for diving. "Diver" in the following is to be interpreted as meaning "diver/buddy team". Kick Cycles are to be counted on one leg. Left kick, then right kick = 1 cycle.

1. Demonstrate the following process ABOVE water so it is CLEARLY understood by all.
2. Start with the next to last diver. Process should begin upon starting horizontal dive or reaching desire depth, depending on if a direct descent is conducted.
3. Next to last diver turns to rear diver and gives the visual check for "OK" and waits for the return of such visual communication. Repeat every 10-15 kick cycles. The number of kick cycles used can be adjusted as dictated by group size and communication needs.
4. Each diver in front of next to last diver are to repeat the same process, thus passing the communication from trail to lead.
5. Repeat process each 10-15 kick cycles until no longer needed (ie surfacing) or other communication means are utilized.
6. You may designate divers throughout the group to be primary communicators to better utilize those with more experience in the group.

This process will eliminate the need to start at the lead of the group, pass the comm to the trail, then pass it back to the lead. It simply takes too much time that way.

Utilizing a process of this nature should also make almost everyone aware of those diving behind them and their status.

By using ANY of the techniques I suggest in ANY of my blogs, you accept full responsibility for your actions, interpretations, and adaptions of such.


BeachBubbles - 8/23/2007 7:23 AM
What a great idea. My two boys and I have been diving together as a 3-person buddy team. I noticed right away this odd number adds a level of complexity in our communication. I`ll use this. Thanks. :)