Did a Dutch Springs grand tour: the helicopter, Helldiver, school bus, one of the boats. 53°F @ 63’ (air was high 80s).
It was great to finally dive the helicopter, Sikorsky S-56 (CH-37 Mojave) from the 50s.
That thing is huge, dude (72’ long)! The great part about it is that it’s suspended, can’t beat that as far as access. (I mean, how many wrecks are suspended out there?!) Very spacious inside, bluegill and bass swimming around. The landing gear are still there and the tail rotor blades. The exterior is fuzzy with zebra mussels covering most of the surface. Submerged trees are nearby, also all mussel’d up. They look like monster sea rods that way. Getting on the school bus, revisiting the plane and a boat, still fun. And looking at the map, I don’t think I’ve seen a half of it all yet. More good stuff to look forward to exploring (that’s what the season pass is for). The photos are starting to turn out better – used a wide-angle lens this time, definitely helps. Although at 55-60’ there’s really not enough light (really should get some strobes, dude). And there’s only so much you can squeeze out of an older SeaLife. Looking at the recent picture in Sport Diver article on Dutch Springs, hmm, I want whatever rig that dude Ty Sawyer is using...