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Toxic algae rapidly kills coral
dirtguy49 - 10/10/2010 9:51 AM
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Category: Press Release
Comments: 1
Toxic algae rapidly kills coral Harmful algal blooms have the potential to lay waste to coral reefs.

Scientists studying coral reefs in the Gulf of Oman have issued the warning after being shocked by the impact of one large-scale bloom, which destroyed a coral reef in just three weeks.


LatitudeAdjustment - 10/11/2010 9:42 AM

A lot of the reefs are algea covered because us and the locals eat the algea eating fish. Back in the 60’s we were told sea urchins were bad so divers killed them, then a blight in the Caribbean and Florida almost wipped out the rest, well urchins eat algea!

Now we have Lionfish in the Caribbean eating the algea eating fish :(