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Armored Personell Carriers
TColJeep - 7/02/2011 8:45 PM
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Category: Travel
Comments: 2
Armored Personell CarriersIt was a great day on the ocean today. We left Windswept Marina in East Moriches this morning at 7:30 for a quick trip out to Moriches Offshore Reef. With a slight breeze and 1 foot rollers out on the water it was a little over 20 minutes until we where on site at the APC’s. With air and water temp’s warming up nicely it was time to shed the drysuit and get wet. The initial chill of the water rushing into my wetsuit and up my back took my breath away, but after a second or two I was ready. After setting the hook I took a quick look around and found our main target...Lobster. The first dive brought up three ranging 2-3 lbs each. The second go round brought three more with a very nice 5 lb’er topping the list. Water temp. down at 70’ was 53, 62 on the surface and a toasty 84 on the boat. Summer is here and this is what it’s all about.


MantaReynolds - 9/02/2011 2:45 PM

Super Cool!
Smithsgold - 7/26/2011 8:37 PM
That sure looks like fun !!!!