On the 25th & 26th August divers from Durban based Underwater World, Ecstasea Dive School, East Rand Dive Club and Sea Fever Lodge joined SAUES on the “Search for The Seabream” trip to Alliwal Shoal. Prof Phil Heemstra and Mark Addison of FishWatch asked SAUES to assist in trying to identify if the Karatean Seabream (Crenidin creniden) which had been identified off Durban was in fact represented off Umkomaas on the Shoal as well. As little is known of the Seabreams distribution especially in the more Sub-Tropical waters of Natals south coast and due to extensive pressure from over fishing, pollution and exploitation, the location of the Bream in this locale would serve to assist authorities and management teams in the implementation of specialist protection and conservation initiatives for this valuable fish. After two dives being completed on the Inner Edge of the Shoal with over 30 divers searching for the bream the German Stumpnose which is a lesser known Seabream, (Polyamblyodon germanium) was found but no photographic evidence was collected of the Creniden creniden. Local divers have confirmed that they have seen this fish on the Shoal and we will be conducting a further excursion to verify this and more specifically concentrate on the Outer Edge and Cathedral area which offer a more advantageous “food source” for the Bream.