For your continued ’
Health & Safety’, I would recommend
NOT doing this!!!!

It’s refreshing that more shark fishermen are practicing catch and
release these days, but one angler appears to have taken the practice
too far.
The accompanying footage shows an angler off Lee County, Florida,
who has jumped in to physically try to revive a 300-pound bull
shark, which his charter group had just unhooked.
The result, thankfully, was successful as viewers can see the
shark, after being given a friendly shove, swim off and disappear
in the depths.
But the method? Not advisable, reckless and dangerous.
Bull sharks are considered by many to be the most dangerous shark
species in the world. They’re responsible for dozens of unprovoked
attacks on humans, some of them fatal. They possess the most powerful
bite of any large shark species.
But apparently, the Florida angler felt confident that he could help
the languishing shark without too much risk. Thankfully for his sake,
the shark swam off and there were no painful consequences.