Marine Science Camp
Below is a great opportunity for kids and parents, and I want to pass along this information to all the diving families here on Dive Buddy. Discover the Channel Islands: Marine Science Camp Live-aboard Dive Boat
June 26-30, 2011
Students age 13-18 and parents (if it ’ s okay with the students)
Offered by Get Inspired! and Ocean Gear Dive Center We will depart Long Beach, travel to Catalina Island , visit the Wrigley Marine Institute, take a dive in the chamber, dive the spectacular kelp forests of Catalina, then depart for Santa Barbara Island to dive wi th the sea lions at a well known rookery. We will come back to Catalina to a couple more over the top dive spots and head back to Long Beach, all wh ile learning science and having fun. Whew! We plan to study geology and ecology while hiking on the islands and study chemistry , ecology and biology in the water. Students will learn animal and algal identi fication as well as scientific diving techniques. For anyone with an interest in Marine Science, this is a must! You will be instructed by a marine biologist for the week. Please check out sample itineraries and more detailed information at
www.getinspiredinc.org .
Cost $1300 Registration and deposit Due By April 1, 2011 Nancy Caruso
Get Inspired! Marine Biologist
www.getinspiredinc.org 714-206-5147