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Scuba Articles > emtgirl86 > Travel
Diving in Belize Diving in Belize
emtgirl86 - 1/04/2008 11:26 PM
This has taken me awhile to get to. I went on a liveaboard called the Nekton Pilot. For the most part I had a great time. The diving was amazing. I was told that viz was not as good usual. I thought it was great, especially compared to Maine waters! Over the two weeks, I had eleven days of diving averaging four dives a day! I had my 100th dive during the second week, which I was talking into doing naked! All I can say to that is WOW!! The crew was awesome! They ended up covering my equipment wit...
Acadia National Park
emtgirl86 - 8/26/2006 12:00 AM
Last weekend four of us went to Acadia National Park on Mt. Desert Island. There were several good spots to dive. We chose Blueberry Hill. If you want to see pictures of this site click on the link below. If this doesn`t work, copy and paste it into a new window. We saw a blanket of sand dollars on the bottom as far as the eye could see. Lots of Sea Cucumbers, urchins, and one MASIVE star fish (I mean HUGE). There were some lobsters (that that you ...