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Scuba Articles > LuvinCayman > Travel
Playa del Carmen Playa del Carmen
LuvinCayman - 7/06/2008 2:53 PM
Spent a week in Playa Del Carmen diving with my son - got to say it was amazing. We did 5 - 60’ dives and 1 - 100’. The viz was amazing, the life was amazing - if you get down there check out these sites. Manchones Reef - Ok viz - nice current - made for a relative drift dive - not much sea life - nice reef - some damage. The Aquarium - ton’s of sealife, fish, turtle, stingray, etc... Viz was OK Los Arcos - Great viz - 100’ lots to see - arches to swim thru, turtles and eel - great location - wo...
LuvinCayman - 12/01/2007 10:50 PM
Just came back from one week on Grand Cayman. Four dives, 2 in the reef, and two outside. Some of the most beautiful water I have ever seen. Cannot wait to get back...