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Scuba Articles > JSRX05 > Travel
Morehead City, NC
JSRX05 - 7/12/2006 12:00 AM
I just got back from two days of diving off of Morehead City, NC. The diving was better than I had expected. The offshore wrecks the first day, viz was around 80` and the temp was in the mid 70`s. Saw lots of marine life, Sand Tigers included. The second day was not as good but still a good time. We wound up doing inshore wrecks. Same temps but viz was around 20`. Day 1/Dive 1: Artificial Reef 305 - Aeolus Dive 2: Artificial Reef 305 - USCG Spar Day 2/Dive 1: Wreck - Suloide Dive 2: Artificial R...