Reef Check EcoAction Course
I am busy with the ReefCheck Eco Diver course and all I can say to everyone is this is a definate MUST do course!! ReefCheck is an international organization that allows volunteer divers (Sport divers) to get involved in coral reef research!! Check out It has been an amazing experience!! We have so far completed theory and pool sessions to practice lying out a transect line as well as identifying and counting target indicator species. We are off to Ponta D` Ouro, Southern Mozam...
Search For The Seabream
On the 25th & 26th August divers from Durban based Underwater World, Ecstasea Dive School, East Rand Dive Club and Sea Fever Lodge joined SAUES on the “Search for The Seabream” trip to Alliwal Shoal. Prof Phil Heemstra and Mark Addison of FishWatch asked SAUES to assist in trying to identify if the Karatean Seabream (Crenidin creniden) which had been identified off Durban was in fact represented off Umkomaas on the Shoal as well. As little is known of the Seabreams distribution especially in the...
Shark Conservation
Does this picture shock you??? Ecstasea Dive School recently had a guest presentation with a difference in the form of Grant Smith from Sharklife. These guys are doing what all shark lovers wish someone would do. They have set up a large system that deals with Shark Conservation and educating both divers and non divers abou the importance of shark conservation. They cant do it alone, log onto and check out their details and what they are up to, SOMETHING NEEDS TO BE DONE!! Yo...