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Scuba Articles > GypsyDiver > Other
Jersey Shore Diving Shirt
GypsyDiver - 6/30/2009 10:04 PM
The Jersey Shore Diving shirts have arrived to Many of you have seen me where my shirts at Beneath the Sea 2009 or in Key Largo while I was attending my IDC with Oceandivers or at Dutch Springs. You can have your own customized shirt courtesy of the Store. I hope you enjoy the shirts as much as I have. The artwork is courtesy of my friend, Jason Mitcham. We hope to bring you more designs in the future....
You know you’re from the Jersey Shore when...
GypsyDiver - 2/08/2009 9:22 PM
you wear flip-flops til it snows...and sometimes still even then girls: your favorite bikini top is also your favorite bra you know what a BENNY is and you hate them all with a passion you refuse to pay for parking at the boardwalk and so you drive around for a minimum of fifteen minutes to find a residential spot you know that point is not something you do with your finger...its a place you spend 80% of your time you know the two greatest inventions are Fins and Surf Taco You have consumed at l...