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Scuba Articles > atomic333 > Personal
Duh dun duh duh. . . . here comes the dive!!
atomic333 - 6/20/2007 12:00 AM
As some of you know Johnny (aka JQ, aka Johnny Quest, aka J2theQ) is getting married to one of the greatest people I know Jennifer B. (soon to be C.) on June 23 2007 in lovely Cozumel, Mexico. And it is my honor to serve as best man. Yeah!! So we will be departing Friday June 22 to Cozumel. Where Johnny & Jennifer, here forth referred to as "Johnnifer", and I will be diving our A`s off. We expect to see some amazing reefs, wrecks and cenotes (say-not-ays). I`m really looking foward to the cenote...