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Scuba Articles > terfmop > Personal
Equipment in good condition!
terfmop - 4/16/2007 12:00 AM
Well, after my trip to my LDS the equipment turned out to be in pretty good condition. At the shop, the owner said I got a great deal on the BC, regulators, and console......then he saw that I also had a tank. Then he stated all I needed was a weight belt...when I told him I left the weight belt at home he said the deal I got was awesome. I went ahead and got all of the annual servcing done for the equipment....
Waiting for my check-out dive dates
terfmop - 4/14/2007 12:00 AM
All my pool dives are done. I`ll be headed up to Haigh Quarry in May to do my check-out dives. I`ve met a few people who used to dive, but don`t dive any longer due to similar reasons.....just didn`t have anyone to dive with, or didn`t know where to go diving. I don`t want to become one of those people. Hopefully this board and others will keep me connected with others whom I can contact to go diving.....even if it is a quarry or murky pond. This past week, I met up with another former diver who...